Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 10- Regret?

Week 10
Well this week I've been thinking about the triathlon that I would have done this upcoming weekend.  I feel so good physically right now that I kind of wish I stuck with my training and was doing the tri anyway.  I know that I probably would have been fine if I had continued with the level of activity I was doing, but I didn't want to get to this week and feel like not doing it.  Cause then it would be too late to reschedule. I just got thrown off by the whole "keep your heart-rate below 140bpm" thing.  I'm sure there's a reason, but I feel I would have been fine running with my heart-rate at 160-170.  Oh well, can't go back now. I just know that as soon as I get the go-ahead to work out again after the baby is born, I will be in full swing training again, cause I don't have to worry about harming a little human inside me.
So you may look at this picture and say 'ooo she's starting to show' but no, that's just my chubby pooch I was never able to get rid of. Maybe it is pushed out a little my my slightly protruding belly. But I know I'm not at the 'Cute Belly' stage yet.  It will come all too soon I'm sure.

1 comment:

  1. Don't regret it, you did what you thought was right. And if you would have caused harm to your little one you would have regretted it deeply, I guarantee it! You look great! By 11 weeks I am enormous! Be HAPPY you are still so small!
