Wednesday, September 21, 2011

27 Weeks- Heart Burn

I'm usually on heart burn medication all the time, even when I'm not preg. but when my prescription ran out this last time, I decided to see how my heart burn would do without it.  For me, I felt almost cured of my heart burn problem, but when I got preg. I knew that it would get worse.  I talked to my doctor about getting back on my meds but she decided to wait until it got worse like before.  Well, I think now it has.  I have major heart burn three times a day at least.  It's been really bad these last few days.  I have two weeks till my next apt so I'll have to suffer until then, but, I'm definitely asking for my meds back or I wont have an esophagus by the time I give birth cause the stomach acid will have eaten in all away.

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