Friday, September 9, 2011

25 weeks- bending over

So far I've been a month ahead in belly size than with Kendra.  I thought it would slow down but so far it hasn't.  I feel huge.  I can't bent over without grunting from pressure, I've started to pick up things from the side, I don't remember starting that until well into my 3rd trimester. And I can't sit up strait, I went to the dentist yesterday and when your not laying back in those chairs that have you upright and it was swishing my belly so bad. I still try to wear my normal jeans with an elastic but it's making me realize I need some 3rd trimester jeans.  I have a lot of summer pants but when it starts snowing I'll have nothing to wear but sweat pants.


  1. Man that boy is growing, I bet he will be bigger than Kendra, Happy Birthday to the squirt:)
