Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 10- Regret?

Week 10
Well this week I've been thinking about the triathlon that I would have done this upcoming weekend.  I feel so good physically right now that I kind of wish I stuck with my training and was doing the tri anyway.  I know that I probably would have been fine if I had continued with the level of activity I was doing, but I didn't want to get to this week and feel like not doing it.  Cause then it would be too late to reschedule. I just got thrown off by the whole "keep your heart-rate below 140bpm" thing.  I'm sure there's a reason, but I feel I would have been fine running with my heart-rate at 160-170.  Oh well, can't go back now. I just know that as soon as I get the go-ahead to work out again after the baby is born, I will be in full swing training again, cause I don't have to worry about harming a little human inside me.
So you may look at this picture and say 'ooo she's starting to show' but no, that's just my chubby pooch I was never able to get rid of. Maybe it is pushed out a little my my slightly protruding belly. But I know I'm not at the 'Cute Belly' stage yet.  It will come all too soon I'm sure.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Week 9 - Picture and Food

Week 9
So I decided to start taking the weekly pictures now.  I haven't really changed to the outside eye but I figured I needed a starting picture.  I think it would be fun to get a picture in the same place with a dark shirt on against the white wall.  Then at the end I want to make a movie showing the gradual growth. I think it would be fun. 

Food is something different for me this time.  With Kendra, I wanted food most of the time, mainly my favorites or I wanted something salty.  This time, I'm actually eating less than before I found out. Probably cause I'm not training any more, but I just don't feel like eating.  I don't really like snacking unless its fruit, and I can't seem to finish what I put on my plate.  But I have been craving specific things, I never did that with Kendra.  Like one day, I NEEDED Bacon.  Another day I wanted mashed hard boiled eggs on cheese toast. And then another day I really really wanted BBQ chips and cottage cheese.  (That's not something I made up by-the-way.  It's one of my family's favorites that I had a lot growing up.)  Anyway I hadn't had it in forever and all of a sudden I really wanted it. With the help of Kendra and Craig we finished all the chips and cottage cheese in one afternoon. Don't judge me.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week 8 - tired

It has finally hit me:  the first trimester tiredness.  I remembered that I was tired last time but I was also working full-time during tax season, I thought that was why.  But no, I've fallen asleep a couple of times, and had Kendra wake me up a few minutes later.  I go to bed when Kendra does, like 8:30pm and don't wake up til 7:30 or 8:00am.  It's messing up my workouts.  I took a week off cause I was sick and now that I'm better, I can't seem to get up in time.  I woke up today around 7:00am and thought, Kendra doesn't wake up til at least 8:00 so I'm going to bike.  I got dressed and got my bike set up and the movie I was going to watch.  As I was putting on my shoes at 7:30am, Kendra wakes up! My ward has workout classes M,W,F mornings at 6-7am and one class is yoga.  So I've decided if it's scheduled, the chances of me getting out of bed are much better. We'll try that, plus I do need to bike, and if the weather ever gets better lots of walking outside.

Week 7 - Sick

So this week I got a horrible raw sore throat.  Because I'm pregnant I wasn't sure what kind of relief I would be able to get, so I asked the pharmacist.  Tylenol.  That's it.  It's tough.  I've been woken up in the middle of the night with major pain just to realize it's because my Tylenol wore off.  I still biked when I first got sick but I've decided to take a break and see if it helps me get better faster.

Week 6- Can you feel it?

People keep asking me this week (family that we've told) if I've started to feel pregnant yet.  I have not noticed a difference.  I rode my bike and ran 2 miles.  I wanted to see what my heart-rate was when I ran.  It's not good.  It was like 160-170bpm.  I know runners are okay to keep running while pregnant, but I'm no runner.  So I've decided to stick to brisk walking and hiking, no more running for me. Biking is still fine, I can monitor that really well on my bike trainer.

Week 5 - Pregnant again!

This week I took a positive pregnancy test.  I was sure I wasn't pregnant but I was a week and a half late.  I was feeling great physically and who would blame me.  I've been training for a triathlon for the past 5 months.  I'm starting to look great, feel great, and perform great in all three disciplines of a Tri. I got off birth control the end of August 2010, and when I wasn't pregnant the first couple of months, I stopped counting on it. I started planning my life like I wasn't going to get pregnant.  I'm glad I did, I accomplished a lot. But now it's time to redirect.  I got them to transfer my race fee to next year's race and I toned down my work outs. I have to keep my heart-rate under 140 bpm, so I'm glad I have a heart-rate monitor.