Wednesday, December 7, 2011

38 Weeks- any day now

I went to the Dr. today.  I'm 3cm dilated and 80 % effaced. My doctor looked at my due date and because I'm progressing so well said we could induce on the 13th, a week early, if I wanted.  Of course I want to!  She stripped my membranes today so I might actually go before then.  Kendra came at 38 weeks and one day.  We hope he comes this weekend, cause it's the most convenient, but, it's nice to know in less than a week I will be able to meet this little boy.  I'm excited!  Which means this is my last post of me pregnant.  My next post will be my labor and delivery story.

I actually lost 5 lbs from 2 weeks ago.  Kinda weird.  But I did get sick Saturday night.  I puked so bad that night or maybe it was more Sunday morning.  Anyway, I had a few days of not eating much, but it makes me back on track to where I thought I would be at this point.

I get Braxton Hicks contractions a lot these days, and some are painful. Walking is awkward and I waddle so bad it's not even funny.  Sleeping is a joke, so I figure, why not have a baby if I'm not even sleeping well.  I will try to get as much sleep as I can in the next week though.  I hope I'm ready.  Wish me luck!


  1. you better not have him tomorrow, Sadie already shares a birthday. Hope it happens soon!

  2. Laura, I wish you the best for the birth of this little boy. Big hugs
