Thursday, June 16, 2011

Week 13- nothing to report

Week 13
This last week went by fast and it seems nothing much has changed. I have my first dr. appt. next week so I'll hear the baby's heart beat.  Then an ultra sound the end of July to see if it's a boy or girl. I have my thoughts on what it is.  I think it's a boy.  With Kendra I was starving all the time, I wanted to eat everything in sight. With this one, I'm not super hungry, I don't really like to snack, but I LOVE MEAT! They say if you crave meat you're having a boy. So we'll see how true wives tales hold out.  

1 comment:

  1. You are looking a little bigger. Maybe it is a boy, it will be fun to find out soon:) Audra
