Wednesday, August 10, 2011

21 Weeks - Movement

Well I've been feeling our baby boy moving around inside me for a couple of weeks now.  But, yesterday was the first time Craig was able to feel him.  It seems like a miracle that there is somebody growing inside me.  Craig asked if it ever felt like a kidney punch.  I told him: right now he's got a lot of room to move around so I feel him punch and kick, but it doesn't hurt cause he's so little.  But when he gets big enough to hurt me, he won't have much room, so it's more like hard pressure. (or at least that's what I remember about Kendra)  Maybe this baby boy will be able to kidney punch me... I hope not.


  1. Wow you really have grown, It was great seeing you and Kendra, even if I did almost get sent to jail. Ha Ha! Love Audra

  2. I remember the first time i felt Maggie in my belly thinking, " i feel bad fathers never get to experience this cool feeling" that is so fun that Craig could feel him already! enjoy the "small" movements while they last i guess :)
