Wednesday, August 24, 2011

23 weeks- Back Pain

All that I can say about the last week is that sleeping is getting rough.  I haven't used a preg. pillow yet, but I woke up with horrible back pain and I think I know why.  My joints are getting looser so when I sleep on my side with my knees together, it spreads my hips apart and causes strain on my lower back.  I've been trying to just put a pillow between my legs, but it's not comfortable.  I really want to sleep on my back, but I'm not supposed to.  So I'm on a quest to find a preg pillow that helps me sleep but doesn't take up the whole bed (and kick Craig off). We'll see what I find.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

22 Weeks- Dr Apt.

Not much new, just a good Dr Apt. his heart beat is strong and I'm gaining weight just fine, despite my decreased appetite.  I've been getting more leg cramps, especially when I'm really active.  Like the day we hiked around Yellowstone, bad leg cramps that night.  And yesterday, with yard work, leveling dirt and spreading bark, bad leg cramps last night.  But if I stretch really well before bed, it's not too bad. I need to eat more bananas.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

21 Weeks - Movement

Well I've been feeling our baby boy moving around inside me for a couple of weeks now.  But, yesterday was the first time Craig was able to feel him.  It seems like a miracle that there is somebody growing inside me.  Craig asked if it ever felt like a kidney punch.  I told him: right now he's got a lot of room to move around so I feel him punch and kick, but it doesn't hurt cause he's so little.  But when he gets big enough to hurt me, he won't have much room, so it's more like hard pressure. (or at least that's what I remember about Kendra)  Maybe this baby boy will be able to kidney punch me... I hope not.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

20 weeks- Half Way

I can't wear very many normal clothes anymore.  There is no way of hiding my belly no matter what I wear.  So I've decided it's time to show it off.  Meaning it's now round enough to look better than just belly chub.  This picture really isn't a good one, but some clothes make my belly look cute even.