Thursday, July 28, 2011

19 Weeks- Ultra Sound

Well my previous post shows the Ultra Sound and that we're having a boy.  Everything looked good and healthy, nothing to worry about. My due date was right on with the growth of the baby.  All is well.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's a Boy!!!

Left: Face and left arm  Right: Face with fist by the left eye.
So what "they" say is true.  If you crave meat: you're having a boy.  What the mom thinks: The sex is. Craig and I are really excited.  Kendra got to come and she kept saying "baby" at the TV screen of the Ultra Sound.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

18 weeks- Dr. Appointment

I had my second Doctor appointment and I finally met my Doctor.  She seems like a great Dr. to me.  Kendra came with me this time, which was a little bit of a challenge, but we made it through just fine.  They gave her a sucker, did it have to be the blue one? Her hands and face and tongue were blue for the rest of the day. I like the office I go to, it's close and they give me juice while I wait. I got to listen to the heart rate which is healthy. She said I'm growing well.  I gained 4 pounds since my last apt. Ultra sound scheduled for next week!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week 17

Well, I don't have much to say this week. Only, that I'm glad I don't feel like eating all the time.  With Kendra it was a constant battle to say no to junk food, or seconds of everything.  I don't have to fight my desires for food this time.  I feel like eating healthy and I do.  It's nice for a change to not have to fight nature.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Week 16- no more waist

Well, I think it's official, I no longer have a waist.  My pants no longer need belts, and some are getting uncomfortable.  I've already said my shirts were getting ridiculous, but now I may need to look into getting some more summer maternity pants. I think I've felt the baby, but I can't be too sure yet. Sleeping is getting uncomfortable and is starting to hurt my back.  I need to look into prego pillows (Craig will hate this).  Which makes me think, we should seriously look into getting a California King because I'm only going to get bigger... We'll see.