Wednesday, November 23, 2011

36 weeks- 4 weeks left

So I went to the Dr yesterday and she said I was 2 cm dialated and 50% effaced.  This is more progress than I ever made on my own with Kendra. She was not worried about premature labor but did say that I should relax for the next two weeks and lay down if I ever started feeling bad.  She's fairly confident I will go early but didn't mind not seeing me for two weeks.  My next apt. is on the two week early mark.  She said she could strip my membranes then if I wanted her to.  I'm not sure how I feel about that, I think I'll wait one more week before we strip membranes. I think just the apt might be enough to set me off, it was last time.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

35 Weeks- 5 Weeks left

It's crazy how I can count down the weeks on one hand now.  Craig keeps reminding me how much time I have left if this boy comes as early as Kendra, that would mean 3 WEEKS! We are going to be ready by the end of the month so we are prepared no matter what.  I'm putting up the Christmas tree Thanksgiving weekend and I'll start wrapping all the Christmas gifts. We will also set up the Crib Thanksgiving weekend and paint his room.  I know, it's a lot to do, but it's a long weekend.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

34 Weeks- 6 weeks left

I kept saying that I thought this belly was bigger than last time, and I was right!  I just got 2 inch extensions on the stretch marks on the top of my belly. And who knows, I've got more than a month left to stretch even farther.  I went to my doctor, and I gained too much weight, she didn't say that, I just know I shouldn't be this big. But maybe that's just that it's a boy and I'm going to be big. But, I'm healthy and so is the baby, and that's what really counts.  I'll worry about extra weight when I can do something about it... after he's born.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Week 33 - 7 weeks left

I'm not sure if it's because I haven't been able to swim or be super active the last half of my pregnancy or because I'm just bigger this time, but it pains me to move much.  Getting up and down from the couch or bed must be done with great care not to cause a cramp or stab of pain in either my legs, hips, or back.  I can't walk fast anywhere.  For a ringing cell phone, or for Kendra's needs, I just walk and think, it's okay to be slow.  When we took Kendra T-O-T we walked up and down three streets.  My doctor told me not to walk up hill, but I did and I've suffered for it.  I even got a cramp in my foot yesterday.  This boy must be resting on a bunch of my nerves.

Also, Craig laughs at me when my shirts don't fit.  I have a large PJ t-shirt that doesn't cover my belly any more, and the other day I was wearing an undershirt that was a preg shirt but was still too short and then the over shirt, this shirt hovered a little and from Craig's angle (laying on the couch) he could see my bare belly.  I hoped he was the only one cause I'd been wearing it all day!

I might have to break down and buy more preg clothes at the end of my preg!  To only wear something for less than two months sounds stupid, but I do have to wear clothes so.... I hope I can find a few cheap cute things.